• I/O
  • Environmental probes
  • Gateways
  • Outdor sensors
  • Another sensors
Milesight UG65-868M-EA - Gateway LoraWan 868 MHz. con WiFi, Ethernet, PoE y Antena Externa
The UG65 is a powerful 8-channel indoor LoRaWAN gateway. The UG65 uses the Semtech SX1302 LoRa chip, features a quad-core CPU, and supports up to 2,000 nodes.
Perfect for indoor urban environments
The gateway has a range of 2 km in an urban setting. The UG65 is highly suitable for smart city applications where indoor LoRaWAN coverage is required (e.g., schools, smart buildings, environmental monitoring, etc.).
Coverage of up to 12 km² (2 km radius) in urban applications.
IP65 rating
The basic dustproof and waterproof capabilities make the UG65 LoRaWAN gateway more versatile, even in industrial environments.
Exceptional performance
The excellent performance allows for faster data processing.
64-bit NXP quad-core processor.
366.84 € 366.84000000000003 EUR
Sensor de temperatura LoraWan 868 MHz. Doble sonda. Pantalla LCD. IP65. 5/10 batería
### Traducció al català:

**Monitoratge de temperatura sense esforç i simplificat**

TS302, el sensor de temperatura LoRaWAN® amb pantalla LCD. Aquest dispositiu es connecta perfectament a sondes de temperatura PT100 d'alta precisió i sensors magnètics de portes. Ideal per a les indústries de processament d'aliments, emmagatzematge farmacèutic i cadena de fred.

Permet la connexió simultània d'una sonda de temperatura PT100 i un sensor magnètic de porta, o dues sondes de temperatura PT100 per a aplicacions més específiques.

**Llegibilitat optimitzada amb pantalla LCD**

- La pantalla LCD proporciona resultats visuals clars i nítids, cosa que facilita la lectura de la informació d'un cop d'ull.
- La pantalla LCD consumeix menys energia en comparació amb les pantalles tradicionals, contribuint a l'estalvi energètic i allargant la vida útil de la bateria del sensor.

**Emmagatzematge de dades robust**

- Emmagatzematge de gran capacitat per fins a 10.000 conjunts de registres de dades històriques.
- Admet la recuperació i retransmissió de dades per evitar la pèrdua de dades i garantir la seva integritat.

**Certificat per a la traçabilitat de la cadena de fred Norma EN12830**

Per garantir que l'emmagatzematge i el transport de productes alimentaris i mèdics es mantinguin a temperatures adequades, així com per assegurar un monitoratge continu, els sensors Milesight TS302 compleixen la norma EN12830.

**Compliment dels requisits d'anàlisi de perills i punts de control crítics (HACCP)**

En la indústria alimentària, el control precís de la temperatura és vital per a la seguretat alimentària. El sensor de temperatura TS302 LoRaWAN® ajuda les empreses a complir amb els estàndards HACCP, garantint la qualitat i la seguretat dels aliments.

**Exportació de dades eficient**

- Registres digitals sense esforç.
El sensor de temperatura TS302 LoRaWAN® substitueix el manteniment de registres manuals, cosa que redueix els errors i la paperassa en automatitzar les exportacions de dades i els informes.

- Exportació USB senzilla en PDF per evitar manipulacions.
Permet exportar fàcilment dades com a documents PDF xifrats a través d'USB, ajudant les empreses a complir els requisits de la 21 CFR Part 11B per al compliment d'ERES (Registres electrònics: Firmes electròniques).

**Ideal per a la producció d'aliments, emmagatzematge farmacèutic i cadena de fred**

* Els cables plans de les sondes Classe B són adequats per a ús en frigorífics i poden travessar fàcilment les juntes de les portes.

**Ampolla de tampó tèrmic amb comptes de vidre**

Hi ha disponible un accessori opcional per esmorteir les lectures contra canvis temporals en la temperatura de l'aire, resultants de l'obertura de portes o la càrrega de refrigeradors. Això és especialment útil per a farmàcies, consultoris mèdics i altres entorns que poden patir canvis temporals significatius de temperatura.

**En moviment: alertes en temps real**

Els usuaris poden rebre alertes immediates sobre qualsevol amenaça potencial, com ara pics de temperatura o portes obertes. Les dades es transmeten ràpidament al núvol per facilitar l'accés i la recuperació, cosa que redueix les pèrdues d'inventari en frigorífics i congeladors.

* Es recomana col·locar el dispositiu fora del frigorífic.

**Protecció robusta amb classificació IP65**

El TS302 té una alta classificació de resistència a l'aigua i a la pols IP65, cosa que el fa adequat per a diverses aplicacions. A més, la interfície USB externa està protegida per tapes antipols segures.

**Baix consum d'energia amb una durada de bateria de 5 a 15 anys.**


### Traducció a l'anglès:

**Effortless and simplified temperature monitoring**

TS302, the LoRaWAN® temperature sensor with LCD display. This device seamlessly connects to high-precision PT100 temperature probes and magnetic door sensors. Ideal for food processing industries, pharmaceutical storage, and cold chain applications.

It allows simultaneous connection of a PT100 temperature probe and a magnetic door sensor, or two PT100 temperature probes for more specific applications.

**Optimized readability with LCD display**

- The LCD display provides clear and sharp visual results, making it easy to read information at a glance.
- The LCD screen consumes less power compared to traditional displays, contributing to energy savings and extending the sensor's battery life.

**Robust data storage**

- Large capacity storage for up to 10,000 sets of historical data records.
- Supports data recovery and retransmission to prevent data loss and ensure data integrity.

**Certified for Cold Chain Traceability Standard EN12830**

To ensure the proper storage and transport of food and medical products at the right temperatures, as well as to guarantee continuous monitoring, Milesight TS302 sensors comply with the EN12830 standard.

**Complies with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) requirements**

In the food industry, precise temperature control is vital for food safety. The TS302 LoRaWAN® temperature sensor helps businesses meet HACCP standards, ensuring food quality and safety.

**Efficient data export**

- Effortless digital records.
The TS302 LoRaWAN® temperature sensor replaces manual record-keeping, reducing errors and paperwork by automating data exports and reports.

- Simple USB export in PDF format to prevent tampering.
Easily export data as encrypted PDF documents via USB, helping businesses comply with 21 CFR Part 11B requirements for ERES (Electronic Records: Electronic Signatures) compliance.

**Ideal for food production, pharmaceutical storage, and cold chain**

* Class B probe flat cables are suitable for use in refrigerators and can easily pass through door seals.

**Thermal buffer bottle with glass beads**

An optional accessory is available to buffer readings against temporary air temperature changes caused by door openings or refrigerator loading. This is particularly useful for pharmacies, medical offices, and other environments that may experience significant temporary temperature changes.

**On the move: real-time alerts**

Users can receive immediate alerts for any potential threats, such as temperature spikes or open doors. Data is quickly transmitted to the cloud for easy access and retrieval, reducing inventory losses in refrigerators and freezers.

* It is recommended to place the device outside the refrigerator.

**Robust protection with IP65 rating**

The TS302 has a high IP65 rating for water and dust resistance, making it suitable for various applications. Additionally, the external USB interface is protected by secure dustproof covers.

**Low power consumption with a battery life of 5 to 15 years.**
103.79 € 103.79 EUR
Outdoor temperature, humidity, and CO₂ sensor LoRaWAN 868 MHz. IP66. 10-year battery life
CO₂ (carbon dioxide) sensor suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
It has an IP66 protection rating and is resistant to UV rays and water, making it perfect for use in harsh environments, but also suitable for indoor use.
Integrated 19000mAh battery with a 10-year lifespan. The device is an IoT LoRaWAN sensor with a range of up to 10KM in optimal conditions.
- Indoor air quality monitoring
- Forest fire detection
- Smart building / smart cities
- Environmental monitoring in warehouses
- CO₂ (carbon dioxide) sensor
- Temperature
- Humidity
261.38 € 261.38 EUR
Sensor de temperatura, humedad y CO2 LoraWan 868 MHz. IP66.
3 sensors in 1: CO₂, humidity, and temperature
Version without display: Traffic light status indicator / 4 years battery life
Version with display: Vivid emoticon display / Traffic light status indicator / 3 years battery life
189.66 € 189.66 EUR
Sensor ultrasónico de medición de distáncia LoraWan 868 MHz. IP66. 10 years battery life
Ultrasonic Outdoor Distance Measurement Sensor (3-450 cm) LoRaWAN 868 MHz
The EM310-UDL is a LoRa ultrasonic distance sensor primarily used to detect the level of trash bins and other containers.
With a compact size and a large measurement range, the EM310-UDL can be installed in trash bins or containers to measure the fill level of solids or liquids.
Additionally, the EM310-UDL is equipped with a 3-axis accelerometer to detect the status of the container's lid.
The EM310-UDL can be widely used in waste management, water tank monitoring, manhole cover monitoring, etc.
126.00 € 126.0 EUR
Controladora de exterior IP67 con panel solar múltiples I/O LoraWan 868 MHz.
Outdoor LoRaWAN controller with a 4900 mAh rechargeable battery and solar panel. Multi-interface platform for connecting sensors. Rechargeable battery of 2 × 2550 mAh with a solar panel (5 V, 1.6 W).
The UC501-868M controller is a device that offers several ways to connect and control sensors or equipment in industrial environments.
With its SDI-12 interface, it is very easy to connect a wide range of instruments used in environmental monitoring, such as meteorological, hydrological, and agricultural sensors.
This makes it a highly versatile and adaptable device in different areas of application.
Storage capacity with a history of 600 records: The data is stored on the device and cannot be manually deleted, further ensuring the traceability of the reported information.

Frequency CN470/IN865/EU868/AU915/US915/KR920/AS923
Interface 1 2 × GPIO 1 × RS485/RS232 switchable 1 × 3.3 V output 1 × 5/9/12 V output switchable
Interface 2 2 × analog input 1 × 3.3 V output 1 × 5/9/12 V output switchable
Dimension 120.1 × 120.1 × 55.4 mm (4.73 × 4.73 × 2.18 in)
Power Supply Rechargeable 5100 mAh battery with solar panel
176.00 € 176.0 EUR
Sensor Industrial de temperatura LoraWan 868 MHz. With PT100 sensor. Diferents temperature rangs
The EM500-PT100-868M series: are LoRaWAN sensors designed for various professional applications. These sensors are protected by a housing with a high ingress protection rating. They are used for temperature measurements in very challenging outdoor environmental conditions. They operate with an integrated battery for prolonged life.
The EM500-PT100 is equipped with a high-precision PT100 temperature sensor, and the platinum resistance temperature detector offers much more stable and accurate temperature measurement from -200 to 800 °C.
Vibration-resistant construction.
- Three-wire circuit.
- Customizable temperature detection range (-200 ~ 800 °C).
- Terminal heads available in straight tube, shielded, SMT, threaded, magnetic.
160.00 € 160.0 EUR
Controladora d'exterior IP67 múltiples I/O LoraWan 868 MHz.
Outdoor LoRaWAN controller with a 27.000 mAh replaceable battery. Multi-interface platform for connecting sensors. Replaceable battery of 3 × 9000 mAh or 5-24DC
The UC502-868M controller is a device that offers several ways to connect and control sensors or equipment in industrial environments.
With its SDI-12 interface, it is very easy to connect a wide range of instruments used in environmental monitoring, such as meteorological, hydrological, and agricultural sensors.
This makes it a highly versatile and adaptable device in different areas of application.
Storage capacity with a history of 600 records: The data is stored on the device and cannot be manually deleted, further ensuring the traceability of the reported information.

Frequency CN470/IN865/EU868/AU915/US915/KR920/AS923
Interface 1 2 × GPIO 1 × RS485/RS232 switchable 1 × 3.3 V output 1 × 5/9/12 V output switchable
Interface 2 2 × analog input 1 × 3.3 V output 1 × 5/9/12 V output switchable
Dimension 120.1 × 120.1 × 55.4 mm (4.73 × 4.73 × 2.18 in)
Power Supply replaceable 27000 mAh battery or 5-24DC
177.00 € 177.0 EUR
LoRaWAN Gateway 868 MHz with WiFi, Ethernet, and PoE. Internal antenna. For outdoor use. IP67.
The UG67 is a robust outdoor LoRaWAN® gateway designed for outdoor deployments. Equipped with the LoRa SX1302 chip and a high-performance quad-core CPU, the UG67 can support connectivity with more than 2000 nodes.
708.00 € 708.0 EUR
Ultrasonic Distance/Level Sensor LoraWan 868 MHz. IP66. 10 years life battery
The EM500-UDL provides high-precision distance measurement for a variety of applications in harsh environments, such as flood control, wastewater management, and monitoring the fill level of grains or fertilizers. The measurement is based on ultrasonic waves transmitted and reflected from nearby objects.
Ultrasonic distance sensor, perfect for monitoring river levels, flood detection, and any application where level measurement is required.
Ultrasonic sensors can also be used for monitoring the fill level of silos and tanks.
With an IP66 rating and resistant to UV rays and water, it is perfect for use in tough environments but equally suitable for indoor use.
Integrated 19,000 mAh battery with a lifespan of 10 years. The device is an IoT LoRaWAN sensor with a range of up to 10 km in optimal conditions.
- Measurement ranges from 0.3 m to 10 m.
- Suitable for measuring in very small containers or openings.
- Suitable for measuring benign and chemical media.
- Non-contact detection of any corrosive or fuel liquid chemical.
329.00 € 329.0 EUR
Submersible water level sensor LoRaWAN 868 MHz. IP66. 10-year battery life.
EM500-SWL is designed to measure tank levels or open water applications while fully submerged in liquid. It is robust and sealed to prevent corrosion and failures.
- Customizable measurement range up to 200 m.
- Submersible pressure sensor unaffected by foam, wind, or rain.
- Fully sealed plastic waterproof design IP67 (transceiver not included).
- Measurement medium: water (customizable for oil and other non-corrosive media).
Smart water management
In recent years, significant steps have been taken to implement IoT-based monitoring solutions in various areas, such as liquid level measurement. Take water level in wells as an example: monitoring and measuring the level with an IoT-based system will protect users from serious issues such as water shortages.
Smart gasoline management
Faced with increasing challenges, companies continuously attempt to implement IoT technology in gasoline level monitoring and measurements to detect the precise gasoline volume in real-time despite wide temperature changes, rough handling, and harsh environments.
361.00 € 361.0 EUR
Soil temperature, humity and conductivity sensor LoRaWAN 868 MHz. 10-year battery life
Soil moisture, temperature, and conductivity (EC) sensor. Perfect for indoor and outdoor agricultural environments, golf courses, and smart irrigation applications.
With an IP66 rating and resistant to UV rays and water, it is perfect for use in harsh environments, but equally suitable for indoor use.
Integrated 19,000 mAh battery with a 10-year lifespan. The device is an IoT LoRaWAN sensor with a range of up to 10 km in optimal conditions.
495.00 € 495.0 EUR
Pipe pressure sensor LoRaWAN 868 MHz. 10-year battery life
The EM500-PP sensor is designed to measure liquid and gas pressures for tank level pressure monitoring or pipe leak detection.
- No leakage risk.
- Shock-resistant and vibration-resistant.
- Measurement accuracy of ±0.5% FS.
- Temperature compensation for high accuracy.
Smart pipe pressure monitoring
Urban water and heating pipelines are the main facilities for providing water and heating to users. Reducing damage to pipes is key to pipeline safety, in order to avoid regional water and heating supply shortages caused by maintenance.
285.00 € 285.0 EUR
LoRaWAN pulse counter 868 MHz. up to 10-year battery life.
The EM300-DI LoRaWAN® pulse counter is used to remotely read the measurement data from water meters. It converts existing traditional water meters into smart meters through the LoRaWAN® network, further facilitating management and increasing water usage efficiency.
Superior accuracy
Automatically filters interference signals.
Configure the device as needed to ensure accuracy.
Supports stop, update, clear, and cumulative counting.
Integrated with 2 sensors
The EM300-DI LoRaWAN® pulse counter is integrated with temperature and humidity sensors for environmental monitoring.
Versatile applications
- Agricultural irrigation
- Industrial water use
- Meter reading
IP67 waterproof
The EM300-DI is equipped with an IP67-rated enclosure, allowing it to function properly even in the most demanding environments.
Long-lasting battery
A single battery lasts 5 years.
Dual batteries last 10 years.
69.70 € 69.7 EUR
Smart Current Transformer LoRaWAN 868 MHz. Single-phase 100A
The CT10x is a LoRaWAN® Smart Current Transformer for energy monitoring and remote consumption analysis. The CT10x offers multiple current options to suit energy monitoring and supports sending threshold alarms. The CT10x is detachable, and its compact size and clamp design allow it to be installed in any indoor space quickly and safely without disconnecting installations, simplifying installation and reducing costs. Compatible with the Milesight LoRaWAN® gateway and the Milesight IoT cloud solution, the CT10x can be monitored remotely via a webpage or mobile app. The CT10x is widely used for energy monitoring in smart buildings, machine failure detection, and prevention, among other applications.
95.26 € 95.26 EUR
Smart Current Transformer LoRaWAN 868 MHz. Single-phase 250A.
CT103 is a LoRaWAN® split-core Smart Current Transformer designed for remote measurement of alternating current levels in amperes.
It facilitates energy usage analysis by reporting accumulated amp-hours and allows installation in any existing circuit without the need to rewire your application. With the selection of current detection ranges of 100 A and 250 A, it meets specific energy monitoring needs in various scenarios.

CT103 with 250 A current capacity
For applications with larger current flows, providing a wider range of current measurement capabilities.

Self-powered: no batteries, no limits
The CT10x is designed to draw power directly from the measured circuit, eliminating battery limitations and ensuring flawless operation.

Superior accuracy
Outperforming other competitors in the market, the CT10x features an impressive high sampling frequency of up to 3.3 kHz, ensuring unmatched accuracy and detail.

Efficient energy tracking in one-second intervals
It calculates accumulated amp-hours in real-time at a one-second interval. This allows precise energy consumption tracking and analysis, achieving goals like energy conservation and reduced operational costs.

Non-invasive installation
Split-core design for quick and non-invasive installation, eliminating the risk of circuit damage or power interruptions.

Fault detection through irregular current status alert.
101.67 € 101.67 EUR
• Parking sensor ideal for Smart City applications in combination with actuators such as Smart Public Lighting and EV-charging stations.
• On-surface parking sensor to detect the presence of vehicles above the sensor.
• Magnetic sensor and 60 GHz radar sensor assure reliable operation with long battery autonomy.
• Low power, long range communication to data backend.
• Open API enabling Cloud Platform access.
• Over-the-air configuration.
• Integrated NFC connectivity to allow local control and configuration.
• Battery lifetime up to 10 years.
235.00 € 235.0 EUR